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Why COVID-19 Proves You Need a Portfolio X-Ray

It’s been a wild few weeks. On a global scale, COVID-19 has impacted the health of thousands and the day-to-day lives of millions. On an economic level, the S&P and Dow Jones have lost 27% and 29% in a month, respectively. Turns out the coronavirus was all the record-breaking bull market needed to tip over after 10 years.

Signs point to a recession coming. Businesses are shutting down — some for good. People are being laid off (unemployment is predicted to hit a record 2.5 million). But retirees might have the worst fate of anyone. Beyond the health risks for older generations, the coronavirus has left many retirees with almost no money in their portfolios.

If you just retired or were planning to retire soon, COVID-19 probably left you in a hell of a lurch. Your retirement accounts might look the exact opposite of how they looked a couple months ago. It’s natural to look at your portfolio during times like these and feel anxious and afraid.

That’s why we at Hoffman Financial Group implore you not to go it alone right now. In the most volatile market we’ve had in decades, the last thing you need is to try to make decisions on your own in this market. Our advisors are ready and waiting to help you. We can offer the professional financial services and guidance you need during this trying time.

Because of the current market, we’re now offering FREE Portfolio X-rays and 30-minute conversations with our advisors. In just 30 minutes, our advisors can walk you through where your portfolio investments are and what your next steps should be in light of the economy. If you’d like to talk to someone right now, call our office at 678-763-0533.

COVID-19 likely changed retirement planning forever. As founder of Hoffman Financial, I truly believe there has never been a more urgent time to talk with our professional team. This is about more than financial services or retirement planning — it’s about saving lives, livelihoods, and lifestyles. Call us today at 678-763-0533.

The future of your retirement could depend on it.

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