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Spending Levels in Retirement

You’ve worked all your life, saved up a sizeable nest egg, and prepared your portfolio for your retirement years. And now it’s time to spend that retirement money you’ve put back all these years. For some, this may be a difficult adjustment.

We recently met with a couple who wanted to discuss their spending levels in retirement. They were planning to move to Florida to live out their retirement years. The wife decided to step out of the room for a moment, and the husband said, “I don’t know if I could tell you in front of her, but I want to build a shed.” We see this happen fairly often: A retiree is still in that “save mode” instead of spending the money they worked for over the years.

That’s what it’s there for, after all! The real question isn’t if you should spend it, but how much and how often? How much do you have in your account, and how long it could last? It all comes down to crunching the numbers.

To some, this may seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be! You can start to figure out a spending roadmap for your retirement today by speaking with a seasoned financial professional with the tools to help you out. Call Hoffman Financial Group today to book your own appointment!

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